Tuesday, October 19, 2010

c:final requirements!

Table of Content 

System Description

     "Sales Management System"


     In this system we can get information about the sales product or the product that have been bought and stocked, and also for the costumer who buys their products.

Significance of the System

     In sales marketing this is very important to be tacked in or stores in a document so that the management can handle if there are product that been sold or not or costumers that due date on their payment. And they can also buy products to the product company.


     In this management they can also buy products through to the product company.


I.S Component

People            -encoder, clerk, and manager
Software        -Window Xp, bluetooth, Smart sooth released 9
Hardware      -CiVo, samsung, clicker, asus
Data              -sales document, office files, database
Network       - Pldt/ DSL


       In this system it tells us on how to computerized and labels the products from the manager to the branch then branch to the customer.


       Mr. Adonis Al
Guillamac’s Marketing

Saturday, October 9, 2010

If you were in Ms. Yardley’s position, what would you have done when Rays Jonhson told you to fake the test result? How would you justify your decision?

         I will not accept it, It lost me dignity if i will do it. I will tell the truth rather to lie. So that i can't hurt others.


Develop your “top-ten” list of actions that need to be taken to avoid future problems.

1. Focus on your works
2. Follow the instruction
3. Be alert of what you are doing
4. Follow the instruction
5. Be responsible
6. Think of the most way that can make yourself comfortable
7. Think positive
8. Don't stress/pressure yourself
9. Make a list of the materials
10. Ask for some advice to the person who knows most of your project.

Study first the codes or the materials that needed, and don't pressure yourself to finish it on time so that their will be no mistakes.


Ray Johnson 
        -because he is the one the division chief  of the silicon techtronics.

Randy Samuels
        -because he wrote the program code that caused the Robbie CX30 robot to malfunction, that kills  the robot operator.

Sam Reynolds
        -because he is the manager, he is the responsible for what malfunctions of the robot.

Cindy Yardley 
        -because she fake the result.


     In I.S 102, it tackles about the information ethics the right and the wrong behavior in computing profession. It tackles the law of information business the rules and regulation in a company. It also tells what should you/we does in a a company if we want to resign. And about the possible position needs in a company. Also the software that can caused damage in your desktop. The harmful and that have benefits. The violation, acceptable policy, commandments for computer ethics, netiquette, cases in the information technology or in new business.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


          In I.S 101 or what they say Introduction to Information System, tackles about how to manage a company that have I high technologies, to arranges the data on software, hardware and people. To know more on computers software system and on how can we know the importance on it. In I.S 101 we will also know, what are the resources to use on this system and in this business, also the hardware and we all know that information system is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, data resources, policies and procedures, that stores, retrieves, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization and what  is the difference between I.S and I.T. On how to have a system that suited to your/our business. And the roles of I.S in the community.